Farrier Review: Glushu for White Line Disease
Thank you to the expert farriers at Allied Farriers for sharing their use of Glushu glue on horse shoes on a horse with White Line...

Farrier Video: Glushu glue on horse shoes for white line disease.
Big thanks to expert farrier Titus Moss from Moss Farrier Service & Cattle Catching for sharing this fantastic video of using Glushu glue...

Owner Review: Glushu for Whiteline.
Thanks to Simon Millar from Redwings Horse Sanctuary for updating us on Pariyans Glushu story. We are so happy to see this former race...

Farrier review: Laminitis & Whiteline.
Thanks to Oswald Farrier Service for this great review of Glushu glue on horse shoes. If you are in the USA and are looking for Glushu...

Farrier Photo Diary: Horse with whiteline.
Delighted to be sharing the great the work of expert farrier and US Glushu representative Roy Verocay detailing the treatment of a horse...

Glushu case: Abscess & White Line
Thanks to Sparta and Fiona Grieve for sharing their Glushu story with us. If your horse is suffering from an abscess or white line please...

Glushu: White Line & Abscess case.
Fantastic results for this remedial case of a horse suffering from white line, abscesses and hoof deterioration. If your horse has...