Farrier Review: Glushu for hoof ulcer and perforated sole.
Thanks to expert farrier Ulrich Gerusel for sharing his experience using Glushu glue on horse shoes to treat a horse with a hoof ulcer...

Owner Review: Mini Glushu for tiny tender feet.
Thanks to the gang at Mini Horse on Tour who shared these great photos of their horses using Mini Glushu. To see more stories from these...

Farrier Report: Mini Glushu for foundered feet.
Thanks to farrier Mark Male who shared these great photos showing him fitting Mini Glushu for a foundered client. It is fantastic to hear...

Farrier Report: Tenderfoot Barefoot Icelandic
Thanks to Esther Munter and the gang at Huf Reha Team for sharing their fantastic Glushu work with this tenderfoot client. Be sure to...