Owner Review: Glushu for club footed thoroughbred.
Massive thank you for Rue and here human Macall for sharing their Glushu story. It is wonderful to see how much Glushu have helped her...
Update from Axe: Fantastic hoof improvement when using Glushu.
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Axe and his human Brian for updating us on their Glushu progress. We are so pleased to see the...
Owner Review: Glushu for fragile hooves.
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Axe and his human Brian for sharing their Glushu story. We are so pleased to see Axe back to his...
Farrier review: Glushu for fragile feet.
Thank you to Crazy Horse and his farrier Wilfried Darney Maréchalerie for sharing their Glushu story, it is fantastic to see Crazy Horse...