Farrier Report: Glushu glue on horse shoes for lameness.
Big thank you to Kirsten Melis at Painted Park Hoofcare for sharing these great before and after pictures of a client who came to them...
Farrier Report: Glushu for laminitis and hoof reconstruction.
Great Glushu work from farrier Ilka Slabik who used Glushu glue on horse shoes to help a horse with laminitis and needed hoof...
Farrier Review: Glushu for horn reconstruction.
Thank you to farrier Pascal Wick who shared their latest Glushu glue on horse shoes work with a horse with a deformed hoof. Check out...
Farrier Review: Glushu for lameness.
Thank you to farrier Ollie Dand who shared their experience of using Glushu glue on horse shoes for horse suffering lameness due to poor...