Farrier Review: Glushu for hoof ulcer and perforated sole.
Thanks to expert farrier Ulrich Gerusel for sharing his experience using Glushu glue on horse shoes to treat a horse with a hoof ulcer and perforated sole. Check out Ulrichs Facebook page to see more of his excellent work
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us info@glushu.com.
From Ulrich
“This is a client who came to me with a severe ulcer and perforated sole.
I used Glushu to offer support as the hoof healed and added cushion with A50.
In the course of the pictures you can see that everything is closed after 6 weeks.
The sole is not yet completely stable but the progress is good and I am confident all will be ok.”