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Farrier Review: Glushu for fractured coffin bone.

Thank you to expert farriers at Johnson Equine Services for sharing how Glushu helped a client with with a fractured coffin bone. We are so happy Glushu was the solution.

Please check out their Facebook page to see more of their great work.

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From Johnson Equine Services:

“This 3 month old foal managed to fracture his coffin bone. Upon consultation with the vet, we strategized a plan to get this guy put back together good as new.

Using a two part adhesive from Equilox and we applied a foal shoe from GluShu which will help stabilize the hoof wall and limit movement in the foot while the bone heals, along with stall rest. We will recheck him every three weeks and make sure healing is on track and reset his shoe as needed.


The coffin bone, also known as the pedal bone or the distal phalanx, is a small bone within the horses foot. It is similar to the bone that forms the fingertip on a human middle finger. This bone lies close to the sole of the horse's foot which exposes it to potential trauma from landing on a rock, an unusual degree of force on one hoof after a jump, or in a foal’s case, often times from mom stepping on them. Some fractures do not occur just from one bad jump or step but from the cumulation of stress over a period of time.

One indication of a broken coffin bone can be noticeable lameness after exercise of a horse that was previously sound, this is often accompanied with heat and an increased digital pulse. Radiographs and other imaging techniques can be used to diagnose a fracture. Coffin bone fractures can involve the tip of the bone, one or both outer edges, or a line down the center of the bone.

*Always consult your veterinarian if you think your horse may have a lameness or health issue. Johnson Equine Services cannot diagnose or treat but I can work alongside your vet if needed to come up with a plan for your horse's specific needs to keep them feeling and working their best.”




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