Farrier Report: Mini Glushu for foundered feet.
Thanks to farrier Mark Male who shared these great photos showing him fitting Mini Glushu for a foundered client. It is fantastic to hear this horse is doing so well.
To see more of Marks work check out his Facebook page.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us info@glushu.com.
From Mark Male.
“I recently took over care of this 18 year old mini who has been foundered for several years. He has very sore feet with prolapsed soles.
I have used Glushu on horses in the past and thought they would be a great solution for his tiny feet.
I find Glushu easy to use and have seen great results with other horses.
This little horse immediately felt more comfortable after fitting and is now completely sound.
I would 100% recommend Glushu.”