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Farrier Report: Glushu for laminitis

Thank you to Farrier Richard GH Armentrout for his Glushu work on a horse with chronic laminitis. Please check out Richard GH Armentrout on Facebook to see more of his work.

If you would like to try Glushu for your horse, please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.

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From Richard:


“When you have a chronic laminitic horse with a grade 4 clubby foot it’s sometimes necessary to de-rotate the hoof capsule. Many times you just can’t take the heels down enough to correct the alignment.

We originally used a reverse wedge pad and shod this horse in nail on shoes.

This last set we applied GluShu glue on horse shoes. We created a reverse wedge using Farriers Choice -Flex Grip tan urethane then applied the shoes.

I am very hopeful for some increased comfort for this horse.”

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