Farrier Report: Glushu for cracked hooves.
Thank you to the gang at Lucky Clover Sleigh Rides for sharing how he uses Glushu glue on horseshoes for Jaspers cracked hooves. Please check out Lucky clover Sleigh Rides on Facebook.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse, please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us sue@glushu.com.
From Luck Clover Sleigh Rides:
“Jasper my black percheron has had terrible quarter cracks in 1 front hoof and 1 rear hoof and my farrier decided he wanted to try something new. In his 22 years of life we never had a farrier that would work diligently on him, until this past year. My significant other and I have trimmed him and had him barefoot for many years because we generally only operate on soft ground.
The farrier decided he wanted to shoe him to hold his cracks together better. After going through our fall mud season, he was afraid he couldn't nail a traditional shoe back on because his hooves had softened up a lot from the wet conditions. He happened to have some Glushu and the goal with them is to better lock out bacteria from the quarter cracks.
We may even try Glushu on my young percheron that has never been shod before this week because they are way easier and faster to apply than traditional shoes.
We typically only shoe in the winter time for the traction purposes that borium or drill in studs provide.”