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Review: Mini Glushu for laminitis.

Big thanks to Prince and his humans for sharing how Glushu have helped with his laminitis.

If you have a tiny horse who need some hoof tlc check out Mini Glushu in our online store or at your local farrier supply.

"This is Oceans East Prince of Tides , “Prince”. He is an AMHA miniature horse, Foaled 2013. Prince is insulin resistant -to the point of being diabetic -and despite a rigid diet, has suffered from recurring episodes of laminitis for the last several years.

Through the tireless efforts of his veterinarian, Dr. Jeremy Murdock BVetMed, in consultation with Dr. Nicholas Frank, DVM,PHF, DACVIM , of Tufts University ; Prince has found a medication regime that appears to have restored his health. The other essential half of Prince’s team of providers is his devoted farrier, Courtney Caron, APF. Through the painstaking attention of this talented farrier, who consistently goes the extra mile for, and finds innovative ways to help “his” horses , Prince has been able to achieve soundness once again.

Prince’s hoof problems include most of the commonly associated issues found in chronically lamanitic horses... inadequate sole depth, p3 remodelling, contracted heels...etc We had been addressing this by keeping prince on a reg trim cycle and he was wearing boots with frog pads elasticoned on for pressure at all times. This was working, however...this setup isn’t ideal for all the reasons we don’t normally keep horses in boots 24/7.

Courtney sent me photos of the tiny Glushus hours after (they were released to market ) found via Instagram and we immediately decided to try them!

The shoeing process was...remarkably easy and without many of the concerns a “regular “ shoeing can entail.

Prince seems to love his fancy new shoes and with the added heel has extra support that wasn’t possible via his old setup. Now he has a longer larger stride and much better standing position.

We would recommend Glushu as part of a total plan to restore health and soundness for laminitic miniature horses ."

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