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Owner Review: Glushu for soft and thin soles.

Thank you so much to TC and her human Wendy for sending us this fantastic review of Glushu glue on horse shoes. The before and after video is completely amazing!

If your horse has thin soles or is prone to abscesses like TC then Glushu could be the answer for you. You can order Glushu direct from our online store here: Shop Now.

If you have any questions about Glushu or would like advice from our engineer and farrier please email us

From Owner Wendy Rosser.

“This is my wonderful mare TC. TC is 19 years young thorough bred. Throughout her whole life TC has not had any hoof problems until Summer 2019. In July TC developed an abscess in her front near. The treatment was poultice, anti-biotics and Bute until it cleared. A further abscess in her offside, was treated in the same way. The Vet went on to diagnose soft and extremely thin soles, it was advised TC should be stabled.

We reviewed her situation in September 2019 however despite following all the advice she was still extremely sore on both fronts. I was determined to find a solution to her discomfort.

A friend of mine had won a GluShu competition on Facebook and recommended I take a look at Glushu. My priority was to get TC's soles off the floor without using nails so Glushu seemed to be a very good option.

The ordering process and support I received from Glushu was fantastic. I ordered a front set of Glushu and Fast Fix glue. Sue Kell (Glushu) was great advising me on size and amount of glue I needed. They Glushu were delivered within two days and I was advised of a nearby GluShu farrier, Keiran Searl, who could fit the Glushu for me.

When the shoeing day arrived, I was nervously hoping for a miracle. Well miracles do happen! When the first shoe was fitted my mare was trying to drag me around the field, something she could not have done 5 minutes earlier. I knew we were on to a winner.

TC is currently in Glushu on both fronts. Since fitting there have been no infections and she is showing absolutely no signs of any pain or discomfort . I am totally amazed at instant results of Glushu glue on horse shoes.

Thanks to GluShu for making it happen, both TC and I are walking on cloud 9.

Please see our before and after video below.”

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