Glushu owner testimonial: Lame with sever bruising.
Thanks to Stan and his human Jenny for sending us their Glushu story. We have seen amazing success with ex race horses so if you are in a similar position please contact us or order from our online store.
From Jenny Davidson
“This is Stan. He is a 15 year old ex-racehorse with typical thoroughbred feet. For the last year I have been struggling to keep him sound for more than a couple of weeks at a time. We tried every different type of shoe and pad that my farrier could think of but they all made his feet worse. Eventually we found that he had severe bruising in his seat of corn. In order to rest his feet for a bit I decided to leave him barefoot and turn him away whilst I found an alternative shoe.
Whilst searching for a shoe solution another farrier I know asked me if I had heard of Glushu. I had a look on the website and thought they sounded like they might work. I emailed Sue explaining my problems and she replied (almost instantly) that she thought Glushus would help. Within a couple of days I had organised for John to come and show my farrier how to fit the Glushus.
Within a week of having his Glushus on Stan was sound (he had got very footsore being barefoot). He has now been in work for nearly a month with no recurrence of his lameness problems and seems so much happier in himself and so much more comfortable on his feet. Hopefully we’ll soon be back out doing dressage!
I would fully recommend Glushus for anyone with thoroughbreds with flat/easily bruised feet. Customer service is also fab, with helpful and speedy replies to emails as well as John coming to the first fitting to help my farrier.”