Say hello to Barney...
Thank you so much to Barney and his Human Corrine Morris for this wonderful Glushu testimonial.
“Barney is an 11 year old ex-racehorse, and he has always had very weak hooves. He has been known to lose shoes in heavy mud, and this winter his field was particularly bad.
He lost a shoe in early March, but this time it took a large chunk of his hoof wall with it. My farrier is fantastic, but even he was unable to nail onto what was left of the hoof. Barney has very low heels, so leaving him barefoot until the hoof wall had grown was not really an option. We have tried this before in the past, and sadly he just can’t cope without shoes when in ridden work and becomes very footsore.
My farrier suggested trying a pair of GluShu in the interim. We fitted them one evening and by the following morning he was like a different horse! He has always been quite cautious with his feet, particularly on hills, and has been uncomfortable on rough or stony ground, but with GluShu’s he no longer seems to notice! I think they just provide that little bit of extra support that his feet need; so much so, that I have now had a second pair fitted and am seriously considering whether or not to go back to regular shoes!
I would not hesitate to recommend GluShu to anyone else with a ‘sensitive’ thoroughbred like mine, and I know if Barney could talk he would be recommending them too!”
To see more photos and keep up to date with Barney check out @equustherapy on Instagram like Equus Therapy on Facebook and check out Corrines website