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Farrier Glushu Review.

Thank you to expert farrier Pascal Wick for sharing his experience of using Glushu glue on horse shoes on a client with a poor hoof wall.

“Today I worked with a new horse. The owner came to me as the horse was pulling off shoes every 2-3 weeks. As such the hoof walls have become very unstable and traditional nail on shoes were no longer an option. The horse was very uncomfortable, in considerable pain and the owner was desperate to help manage the horses problems.

I have used Glushu glue on horse shoes before and I knew Glushu would be the perfect alternative to nail on shoes for this horse. Glushu is completely non invasive with no need at all for nails. This means they can be used on horses with no hoof wall to nail into. I fitted Glushu to the front hooves and now the horse is walking and working beautifully. Here are some pictures to show you how we got on.”

If your horse continually loses shoes or has thin hoof walls Glushu could be the perfect fix.

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